Green Schools Programme

In Nano Nagle College our aim is to raise students’ awareness of the environment and their impact on it. In line with the Presentation ethos of stewardship, we want to encourage everybody to help the environment and learn how they can protect the environment for future generations. We remember the ancient proverb:

“Treat the earth well:
it was not given to you by your parents,
it was loaned to you by your children.

For instance, recycling paper, card etc., reducing the amount of waste they create and reusing items when possible.

Some actions taken by us are:

  • The focus theme this year is on water conservation and the students are being made aware of what they can do to save water both in school and at home.
  • Recycling and correct waste disposal is also being focused on to reduce our impact on the environment and reduce cost of waste disposal.
  • Recycling and general waste bins are placed in each classroom and throughout the school.
  • We have introduced a ban on single use plastics. We actively encourage students and staff to refill their reusable water bottles using the water fountain in our canteen.
  • All Home Economic students put their vegetable peelings, eggshells and other compostable items into the compost bin.
  • We continue to remind all people to turn off lights, PCs etc. on leaving classrooms as well as placing blue WEEE recycling battery boxes in every classroom and office in the school. Batteries are collected and recycled accordingly
  • The focus theme this year is on water conservation and the students are being made aware of what they can do to save water both in school and at home
  • Recycling and correct waste disposal is also being focused on to reduce our impact on the environment and reduce the cost of waste disposal
  • Nano Nagle College is focused on reducing our ecological footprint and are always striving to introduce new programmes to achieve this.