
Nano Nagle College has evolved from North Presentation Secondary School. The school was founded by the Presentation Sisters who in turn were founded by Nano Nagle.

Nano Nagle was born in Ballygriffin, Co. Cork in 1718 during the Penal Law Times. She received her early education in the local ‘Hedge School’ and later was sent to France to continue her education.

On her return to Cork in 1747, she was shocked by poverty and the need for education among the poor of Cork. Nano began her first school in Cove Street in 1754.

News of her school spread to the northside. Nano rented a hut on Philpott Curran Lane, off Shandon Street. Out of this came North Presentation Primary School which opened in 1813 on Gerald Griffin Street.

North Pres opened a ‘Secondary Top’ in Gerald Griffin Street which, in time, with the advent of free education became a full secondary school. The secondary school grew in numbers and a new building was required.

North Pres once again evolved and a green field site in Farranree was developed. The new school opened on 21st November 1969, with a procession of students and Presentation Sisters from Gerald Griffin Street to the new school in Farranree.

The official opening was in 1970. The school continued to grow in numbers and, although unsuitable, the old school in Gerald Griffin Street was reopened to cater for this. Both schools operated in tandem with each other.

As the student population grew, an extension was built onto the Farranree school. This opened in 1986.

In 2023, North Presentation Secondary School became known as Nano Nagle College, a co-educational school with new T4 subjects and new ASD classes.

Following in the footsteps of Nano we continue to respond to the changing needs of our community.