Students must attend school every school day. Students must be in school before 8.45am each morning to facilitate going to lockers. Classes start at 9am. Attendance is monitored using VSware. Parents will be contacted using our school app if students are late/absent.
A cooked breakfast is provided at no cost. Students do not leave school during the school day. If a student must leave for an appointment or otherwise, the Parent/Guardian must advise the school using the school app. The Parent/Guardian must collect the child. If the Parent/Guardian cannot collect their son or daughter, the school must be provided with the name and contact details (mobile phone number) of the person that the Parent/Guardian has authorized to collect their child, in advance of their arrival at the school.
The school encourages 100% attendance of students and it is to be noted that LCA students must achieve at least 90% attendance to receive a Leaving Certificate. Any extended unexplained absences will be reported to TUSLA Educational Welfare Services. We strive to make our school a welcoming environment and we actively involve students, through student voice, to ensure we achieve our shared goals.
Timetable 2023-2024
Time |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
9-11am |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
Class |
11.00 – 11.20am |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
1.20 – 2.00pm |
Lunchtime |
Lunchtime |
Finish 1.20pm |
Lunchtime |
Lunchtime |
4pm |
Home time |
Home time |
Home time |
Home time |